
Every day, the (international) media show us that jeopardy, abduction, blackmailing, abuse and fraud are starting to become a common phenomenon.

The above could be a reason for you to think deeper about your safety (if you are internationally active)

Interrescue is a “multifunctional” organization for the business community as well as the private sector, specializing in:

  • Preparation, training and guidance to ISO-9001 certification (Safety & Security)
  • International personal guidance/protection;
  • International tracing and investigation;
  • Avoiding international attacks and/or abductions;
  • Tracing international abducted persons;
  • Repatriating international abducted persons
  • Investigating international fraud.

Given the diversity of our (international) services, we are sorry to say that we are not able to introduce you to our complete range of services because the “counterparty” is creative enough to adjust the applied ‘Modus Operandi’ (M.O. = working method) with regularity. That is one of the reasons why we are obliged to adjust our “Plan of Approach” on a regular basis in order to keep up with “their” M.O.

Updating our digital range of services on a daily basis would be too time-consuming and it would involve extra costs. We do not want to give “opponent” this time lead.

Who can we help?

Interrescue focuses specifically on and is your partner in international investigations, protection, personal guidance, avoiding abduction(s) and tracing missing and/or abducted persons.

Our international range of services is mainly focussed on (possible) risk-bearing target groups such as COOs and CEOs, intercessors, (stock market) representatives, intervened persons with anxiety of jeopardy and under aged people etc.

If you cannot find ‘problems’ in the overview or if you wish to receive further information, please contact us without any obligations. We will exemplify every aspect of our complete range of services in a personal interview in order to give you a better idea of what all this could mean to you.


The basicrates for our services are:

International investigation assignments

Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany:

from € 85,00 pro hour

Rest of Europe:

from € 100,00 pro hour

Outside of Europe:

from € 125,00 pro hour

International (recovery) cases

Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany:

From € 5.000,=

Rest of Europe:

From € 10.000,=

Outside of Europe:

from € 15.000,=


All mentioned rates are exclusive of the prevailing VAT, travel and accommodation expenses, car rental expenses etc. unless otherwise agreed in writing.

In case of questionable calculations of expenditure, the invoice offered by Interrescue will be handled as the right calculation of expenditure, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Invoice payments (and part payments agreed in writing) must be contented before the beginning of the assignment, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Interrescue is free to have the above-mentioned payments and the use of these payments at its disposal.

Interrescue is not obliged to make any statements to client (or anyone else) concerning the use of payments already made.

Client is not allowed to postpone any (part) payment agreed in writing. In case of postponement of payment, the accomplishment of the assignment will immediately be brought to a stop until full payment of the total outstanding is settled, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Interrescue and/or its employees is , upon conclusion of an agreement, liable to give its best in an honorous and conscientious way in order to reach the intended purpose, though it can never guarantee to reach the agreed intended purpose.

Interrescue or one (or more) of its employees can never (personally or commercially) be held responsible for not reaching the intended purpose in the broadest sense of the word.

Every twenty-four hours a maximum of twelve work hours will be calculated and at least 8 hours will be considered as rest hours.

Full payment of the estimated amount of work hours must be settled before the beginning of the assignment.

Client is liable to provide Interrescue with all the information concerning the assignment.

In case the intended goal (due to whatever circumstances) is not being reached, there will be no restitution.

Client will abstain from every action that endangers the agreed assignment.

Client is obliged to follow the instructions given by Interrescue.

Upon assignment, client fully agrees to the conditions stated above.


Inschrijfnummer KvK:
Chamber of Commerce:
NL - Handelszimmer:
Kereskedelmi kamarai:
Numero di registrazione di commercio:

Interrescue 09148368


